Irakli Makharadze’s personal exhibition.
Irakli Makharadze is a film director by profession, author of books, researcher and amateur artist, he graduated from The Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University.
The amateur artist uses plasticine, clay, paper and wine corks as the main materials for creating works.
Irakli Makharadze started creating sculptures with wine corks exactly 3 years ago, after he saw works made of wine corks by chance on the Internet.
Creative handmade figurines and various portraits - sculptor has brought junk to life into sculpture, turning simple bottle corks into 21st century art pieces.
In order to make working with wine corks easier, Irakli Makharadze uses a proven method. All this protects the cork from shattering during processing and affects the strength of the work - this is how the first sculpture was created step by step years ago - the portrait of Buffalo Bill Cody.
Wine cork craft is very popular in the world. As a rule, more decorative objects are created. Only units create sculptures, portraits and other types of voluminous sculptures.
The main source of inspiration for Irakli Makharadze's creativity, both in films and books, as well as in sculpture and painting, is Guria, its people, history, and also America, with which Guria is historically connected: The Gurian horsemen were the first from Georgia who set foot on the American soil, when they participated in Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West show. The connection between Buffalo Bill and Georgian trick riders represents one of the oldest known relationships between Georgia and the United States of America.
Brief history - filmography:
Irakli Makharadze is a documentary filmmaker, author and a researcher. He is an author of several documentary films, including Shalva Kikodze, Riders of the Wild West, Italian opera in
Tbilisi, Dimitri Shevardnadze, The Artist and the Tramp, etc.
Books: Georgian Trick Riders in American Wild West Shows, 1890s-1920s, (USA), Fistful of Westerns, Gurian Republic, Convoy – Georgian Bodyguards of Russian Emperors, Georgians in the USA, Georgian Silent Cinema (for the latter he earned Literary award SABA, 2015 in category the best documentary prose), Gurian Generals, etc. He produced postage stamp dedicated to Georgian horsemen in America.
For many years he was a host of various Georgian TV programs regarding American film, culture and contemporary music. His articles regarding film history have been published in various Georgian and American magazines. For several years he was a jury for BANFF World Television Festival, Canada.
Exhibition will continue until March of 6th at Zurab Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art.